Lactate Concentrations after a marathon in relation to the years of training and the best mark

Lactate Concentrations after a marathon in relation to the years of training and the best markPlease find below a summary of the article called “Lactate Concentrations after a marathon in relation to the years of training and the best mark”, which was written in Spanish under the title “Concentraciones de lactato tras una maratón en relación con los años de entrenamiento y la mejor marca”. This article was written by Alvero, J.R., García, J., Pérez, F., Berdugo, C. y De Diego, A.M., and published in Apunts Medicina De L’esport, 2000: 134: 21-24

“A study on the lactate concentrations has been done in 33 marathon runners of different performances at the end of this race (26 miles 385 yards). Significant differences in blood lactate concentration values after the race have not been detected. However, major values have been detected in those who had a better performance. A correlation study of different variables -training years, weekly training hours, best personal record, real time in the marathon and lactate concentration- shows significant correlations:

  • Training years – best record in marathon: r=-0.38
  • Training years – lactate levels: r=0.34
  • Record in marathon – weekly training hours: r=-0.44
  • Lactate levels – weekly training hours: r=0.52
  • Record – lactate levels: r=-0.30

The marathon and the execution time are related to a higher number of weekly training hours and to training years

Please click here to download the original article, written in Spanish: Lactate Concentrations after a marathon in relation to the years of training and the best mark