Technical IssuesBlood Lactate Measurements and Analysis during Exercise: A Guide for CliniciansDetermination of Blood Lactate Concentration: Reliability and Validity of a Lactate Oxidase-Based MethodLactate: From Undesirable To Valuable Metabolite The Role Of Lactate Production In The Regulation Of The Excitability During High Power Requirement In Muscle FibresAccuracy of Handheld Point-of-Care Fingertip Lactate Measurement in the Emergency DepartmentEvaluation of three portable blood lactate analysers: Lactate Pro, Lactate Scout and Lactate PlusA method-comparison study regarding the validity and reliability of the Lactate Plus analyzerTest Retest Reproducibility of a Hand-Held Lactate Analyzer in Healthy MenReliability and Accuracy of Six Hand-Held Blood Lactate AnalysersEffect of measuring blood lactate concentrations using different automated lactate analysers on blood lactate transition thresholds