Please find below the abstract of the article written in English by Kulandaivelan , S., Verma, S.K., Mukhopadhyay, S. and Vignesh , N. under the title “Test Retest Reproducibility of a Hand-Held Lactate Analyser in Healthy Men”. This article was published in Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 1: 30-33, 2009
“The objective of the present study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability and day-to-day precision of a hand-held Blood Lactate Analyser. Blood lactate levels were evaluated on 12 samples of human beings and blood was collected from both ring and middle finger for test-retest reliability. Day-to-day precision was determined by known concentration of two aqueous lactate control solutions once a day for 10 consecutive days. Results showed high test-retest reliability (r = 0.948; mean 2.41±0.86 in ring and 2.45±0.76 in middle finger) and high day-to-day reliability (r = 0.998; mean 1.1±0.08 in low control and 4.28±0.24 in high control solution). The results were similar to those previously reported. The results of this study support the use of the hand-held device in healthy human beings.”
You can download the original article by clicking on the box below:
Test Retest Reproducibility of a Hand-Held Lactate Analyzer in Healthy Mens