Lactate in Clinical PracticePrognostic Accuracy of the Serum Lactate Level, the SOFA Score and the qSOFA Score for Mortality Among Adults with SepsisLactate on Emergency Department Arrival as a Predictor of In-Hospital Mortality in Necrotizing Fasciitis: a Retrospective StudyRelative Efficacy and Safety of Early Lactate Clearance-Guided Therapy Resuscitation in Patients with Sepsis. A Meta-AnalysisLactate Clearance in Severe Penetrating TraumaHyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill PatientsSerum Lactate and Mortality in Emergency Department Patients with CancerCorrelation Between Serum Lactate Levels and Outcome in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Congenital Heart SurgeryBlood Lactate is a Predictor of Short-Term Mortality in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Heart Failure but Without Cardiogenic ShockMulticenter Study of Early Lactate Clearance as a Determinant of Survival in Patients with Presumed SepsisThe Comparison of Umbilical Cord Arterial Blood Lactate and pH Values for Predicting Short-Term Neonatal OutcomesLactate Clearance as a Prognostic Marker of Mortality in Severely Ill Febrile Children in East AfricaUtility of Lactate in Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Biomarker of Bacterial MeningitisSerum Lactate Upon Emergency Department Arrival as a Predictor of 30-Day in-Hospital Mortality in an Unselected populationLactate Levels As A Prognostic Indicator In Heterogeneous ICU PopulationMildly elevated lactate levels are associated with microcirculatory flow abnormalities and increased mortality: a microSOAP post hoc analysisValidating a Point of Care Lactate Meter in Adult Patients with Sepsis Presenting to the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital of a Low-to Middle-Income CountrypH and Lactate Levels in Umbilical Cord Blood in Newborns with Perinatal AsphyxiaLactate, a Neglected Factor for Diabetes and Cancer InteractionSerial Lactate Measurements and Their Predictive Validity of Early Mortality in Patients with Multiple Trauma Admitted to the Intensive Care UnitsEarly lactate levels for prediction of mortality in patients with sepsis or septic shock: a meta-analysisArterial lactate level is associated with mortality rate in unscheduled surgical intensive care admissionsBlood lactate level as a predictor of patients’ outcome at the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit of Zagazig University HospitalsAssociation between intrapartum amniotic fluid lactate level and labour outcomeInitial lactate and lactate change in post-cardiac arrest: a multicenter validation studyLactate and lactate clearance in acute cardiac care patientsThe correlation between plasma lactate concentrations and early neonatal mortalityLactate clearance as a prognosis indicator of mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shockLactate Clearance vs Central Venous Oxygen Saturation as Goals of Early Sepsis Therapy. A Randomized Clinical TrialLactate clearance and mortality in pediatric sepsisThe Value Of Blood Lactate Kinetics In Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic ReviewUtility of blood lactate level in triageThe effect of lactate and lactate clearance on prognosis and therapy outcome in mushroom poisonigClinical predictors of adverse outcome in severe sepsis patients with lactate 2–4 mM admitted to the hospitalTwo-Hour Lactate Clearance Predicts Negative Outcome in Patients with Cardiorespiratory InsufficiencyPrognostic Value of Lactate Clearance in the First 6 Hours of Intensive Medicine CourseClinical Use of Lactate Monitoring in Critically Ill PatientsEtiology and Therapeutic Approach to Elevated Lactate LevelsThe relationship between blood lactate levels and mortality in pediatric intensive care patientsBetter lactate clearance associated with good neurologic outcome in survivors who treated with therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrestBlood lactate as a predictor for in-hospital mortality in patients admitted acutely to hospital: a systematic reviewComparing fetal scalp lactate and umbilical cord arterial blood gas valuesPrognostic Value of Incremental Lactate Elevations in Emergency Department Patients With Suspected InfectionLactate – A Marker for Sepsis and TraumaLactate Revisited – Is Lactate Monitoring Beneficial for ICU Patients?Blood Lactate Levels Are Superior to Oxygen-Derived Variables in Predicting Outcome in Human Septic ShockLactate clearance as a target of therapy in sepsis: a flawed paradigmEffectiveness of predicting in-hospital mortality in critically ill children by assessing blood lactate levels at admissionPredictive value of lactate in unselected critically ill patients: an analysis using fractional polynomialsCorrelation of Cord Blood pH, Base Excess, and Lactate Concentration Measured With a Portable Device for Identifying Fetal AcidosisOccult hypoperfusion and mortality in patients with suspected infectionSerial Blood Lactate Levels Can Predict the Development of Multiple Organ Failure Following Septic ShockRelative hyperlactatemia and hospital mortality in critically ill patients: a retrospective multi-centre studyIntraoperative change of lactate level is associated with postoperative outcomes in pediatric cardiac surgery patients: retrospective observational studyMonitoring of Serum Lactate Level During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult In-Hospital Cardiac ArrestLactate as a Predictor in Severe PneumoniaEarly Lactate-Guided Therapy in Intensive Care Unit PatientsHigh serum lactate level may predict death within 24 hoursUnderstanding Lactate in an Intensive Care SettingIs L-Lactate A Novel Signaling Molecule In The Brain?Lactate Level as a Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Septic ShockAssociation between Blood Lactate Levels, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Subscores, and 28-day Mortality during Early and Late Intensive Care Unit Stay: A Retrospective Observational StudySerum Lactate Levels And Mortality In Patients With Sepsis And Septic Shock. Intermediate Care Service of the Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga AsenjoEffectiveness Of Predicting In-Hospital Mortality In Critically Ill Children By Assessing Blood Lactate Levels At AdmissionThe Association Between Lactate, Mean Arterial Pressure, Central Venous Oxygen Saturation And Peripheral Temperature And Mortality In Severe Sepsis: A Retrospective Cohort AnalysisEarly Lactate Clearance Is Associated With Biomarkers Of Inflammation, Coagulation, Apoptosis, Organ Dysfunction And Mortality In Severe Sepsis And Septic ShockSerum Arterial Lactate Concentration Predicts Mortality And Organ Dysfunction Following Liver ResectionA Pilot Study To Determine The Feasibility Of Collecting Amniotic Fluid Samples From Women During Labour And Measuring Amniotic Fluid Lactate At Point Of CareThe Prognostic Value Of Blood Lactate Levels Relative To That Of Vital Signs In The Pre-Hospital Setting: A Pilot StudyA Retrospective Analysis Of Geriatric Trauma Patients: Venous Lactate Is A Better Predictor Of Mortality Than Traditional Vital SignsLactate Versus Non-Lactate Metabolic Acidosis: A Retrospective Outcome Evaluation Of Critically Ill PatientsClinical Evaluation Of A Portable Lactate Meter In Type I Glycogen Storage DiseaseThe Role of Lactate Clearance as a Predictor of Organ Dysfunction and Mortality in Patients with Sepsis