Please find below the abstract of the article written in Spanish by J. Benavent Mahiques, S. Sinz, L. Ferreira and A. Pablos Monzó under the original title “Test de Campo Válido para la Estimación del Umbral Anaeróbico en Ciclistas, Basado en Incrementos de Intensidades Discontinuas”, which translates as “Valid Field Test to Estimate the Anaerobic Threshold in Cyclists, Based on Discontinuous Intensity Increases” This investigation was carried out within the Pre Competitive Research Project of the University of Valencia, in which the following bodies cooperated: Centre de Medicina Esportiva de la Conselleria de Cultura y Educació de la Comunitat Autónoma de València, as well as cyclists and several contributors
“This investigation consists in comparing the results of a field test of increasing discontinued intensities to a laboratory test which uses the Wasserman method (1991) of increasing continuing intensities, to validate the test as suitable on the conditional assessment of cyclists to serve as control or monitoring training of cyclists and that it is functional for its easy applicability and accessibility for any group of athletes.
The results confirm that these are two different tests, which are statistically significant in comparison (p <0.05), but which have a high correlation which is statistically significant in almost all related parameters (p <0.01), leading to the conclusion that it is a valid test for the conditional physical assessment of endurance road cyclists.”
Please click here to access the original article, written in Spanish:
Test de Campo Válido para la Estimación del Umbral Anaeróbico en Ciclistas, Basado en Incrementos de Intensidades Discontinuas